Juan Carlos Garling submitted some considerations concerning the immigration of early Garlings, the ancestors of Frederick Garling (later moved to Australia) to England:
Currently this section will be reworked. The former content is outdated.
Es steht endgueltig fest, dass die Garlings (vom Frederick)tatsaechlich
Deutsche waren und wahrscheinlich zur Zeit als der Kurfuerst Georg von
Hannover 1714 als George I Koenig von England ernannt wurde, ins Land
kamen. Nicolaus, Christian und bis Nicholas, der 1824 starb, alle erwaehnen
in ihrem Testament, das sie im Abteil der deutsch-lutheranischen Kapelle
in der St.Paul Kirche im Savoy (die Marienkirche) begraben werden moechten.
Auch ihre Beziehungen zu deutschen Einwanderern (Wedemeyer, Nixdorff, usw.)
deutet auf dieses.
George I sprach kein Englisch und hat es nie gesprochen. Hat sich von
deutschen Beratern umgeben und viele deutsche Akademiker, Handelsleute,
Arbeiter ins Land gerufen. Sie waren wahrscheinlich Haendler in Textilien
denn Nicolaus wird als 'habit-maker' erwaehnt, sein Enkel John Frederick
ist 'linen'draper' and Mylam geht auch in der Branche in die Lehre.
Sie kamen wahrscheinlich aus einer Hafenstadt wie Hamburg, denn kann mir
kaum vorstellen, dass Mecklenburger in kurzer Zeit wohlhabende Haendler
in London werden konnten.
Malcolm Surl (sts@ic24.net) from the Silvanus Trevail Society www.luxsoft.demon.co.uk/sts submitted:
My primary research interest is in the eminent Cornish architect Silvanus
Trevail (1851-1903), particularly his earlier years. Published material
states that, after passing drawing exams etc at school, he went to London in
1869 as an apprentice to Henry Garling, Architect of Bedford Row, London WC.
What I wanted to do was find out a little more about Henry Garling - the
buildings he had designed and the style influence he may well have had on the young
Silvanus. Unfortunately, apart from your site and the Aussie Garling one on
Rootsweb, there is next to nothing on the Internet !
So if you are able to help in any way, I should be most grateful !
The little I know or have worked out is as follows :
John D. Sholl (J&HSholl@wave.co.nz), Rotorua, New Zealand, submitted:
My grandmother's name was Christina Frances GARLINGE, born in 1883 (don't know where) and died 1917. She married my grandfather, William Thomas SHOLL in 1898 and had 5 children, Christina May SHOLL (b.1907), Daisy Winifred (b.1909), William Thomas (b.22/12/1911), James Henry (b.25/7/1912 - my father) and Florence E.M (B.1916). All the children were born at Whitstable (in Parish of Blean). William Thomas was born at Hackney, London. Don't know where they were married. She died at Bridge, Kent, but we understood that she walked into the sea at Whitstable, Kent with her 1 year old child Florence SHOLL while her husband was at war. Can you please help me as to who were her parents and grandparents?
Gregg Garlington (ggarlington@nc.rr.com) submitted:
My family traces its USA history to Christopher GARLINGTON from Long Hutton, England. Christopher had a plantation in Virginia from a 1638 land grant. Before that we trace our family name to John Girlrington or Gerlington around 1200 in Yorkshire, England. The Place names mentioned on your website are all associated with the descendants of Christopher.
Jeanette Knight (jeanette6@supanet.com) submitted
I am carrying out a One Name Study of my grandmother's family name -
GARLINGE, who have been in Kent (apart from a few wanderers) for nearly
400 years. So far, every single Garlinge I have found fits on one of my
trees somewhere, and I am sure that they all will when I have time to
follow them up.
I produce a family newsletter/progress chart for others researching the
name (about 9 of us at present). At the moment I have 3 main lines, all
in Kent, UK, which I am convinced will eventually join up. And three of
us working on the name have, independently of each other, come up with
the theory/family rumour that the name was "originally from Europe,
without the E".
I am sure, as I have, that you will have come across Joan Garlinge when
searching the web. I have her as born in Prussia and married in Totham,
Essex to John Rogers in about 1550. However, she turns up so often, and
her dates are so widely variable that I have not yet felt it worth
pursuing her line. I also note that there is a village in Sweden called
Garlinge, SE of Malmo.
I am also considering including the name GARLINGER, of whom there seem
to be a fair few, now mostly in USA.
Juan Carlos Garling discussed the problem of Garling immigration:
Und das Hauptproblem: wie / wann kommen (wenn überhaupt) die Garlings nach
England? Mit den Hugenotten (1550 - 1600?)? Oder sogar mit den Normannen
(1066?)? Können nicht auch Mecklenburger / Westfälische /... Garlings
alle von den Normannen abstammen?
Ich sage nein. Es steht fest, dass Hugenotten uns ab 1608 bekannt sind, dann
aber mit Varianten wie Guerlin, Gerlin, Guirlin. Suffix -ing is ja nicht
und wenn schon, dann könnte -ing erst nach 1 oder 2 Generationen in England
angehängt worden sein. Darüber hinaus war ja Garling schon Mitte 1500
festgelegt (Kelvedon bei Colchester, Essex, auch London). Auch schon ganz
früh Varianten mit Gyrling, Gyrlyinge und derart, von woher einige
bewiesen auf Garling übergegangen sind
In meiner Meinung ist der Name in England entstanden. Das -ing deutet auf
ein Diminutiv, so wie es in Deutschland üblich ist.
Oder sogar mit den Normannen (1066?)?
Unmöglich zu beweisen. Die Normannen stellten eine regierende
Minderheit (so wie die Westgoten im 6. Jhd. in Spanien) dar und
brachten ihre zur Zeit bereits französische Sprachart ins Land.
Franco-Normannisch beschränkte sich auf Hofsprache, abstrakte
Begriffe wie z.B. 'loyalty' or 'honour'. Die unterlegene angelsächsiche
Mehrheit benutzte ständig ihre eigene Sprache für Alltagsdinge.
Durch Abneigung benutzten die Angelsachsen das normannische
Wort für totes Vieh, das lebendige Vieh dagegen angelsächsisch.
Daher 'beef' vom franz. 'boeuf' und 'meat' vom franz. 'mouton', dagegen
aber das germanische 'flesh' für lebendes Fleisch. English als solches
wurde etwa 1350 festgelegt, während des 100jährigen Krieges, und
das angelsächsische hat sich über das normannische in der Alltags-
sprache durchgesetzt. Es ist daher anzunehmen, dass English mehr als
Franco-normannisch zur Entstehung und Festlegung der Familiennamen
geführt hat. Abgesehen davon, wennschon dennschon haben wir an sich
bisher mit der Möglichkeit eines Ursprungs in Südfrankreich (Bordeaux
wurde einmal erwähnt), aber nicht von Normannen, spekuliert.
Können nicht auch Mecklenburger/Westfälische/... Garlings
alle von den Normannen abstammen?
Wahrscheinlich nicht. Die Normannen waren immer treibende, tatsüchtige,
wanderslustige Minderheiten, haben sich aber nirgends soweit festgelegt,
als mit ihren Niederlassungen ihr Umfeld weitgehend zu beinflussen. In der
Normandie sind sie bald Franzosen geworden, in Sizilien und Süditalien
wurden sie bald sozusagen verdeutscht (Friedrich II und Manfred), in
Russland (Novgorod) waren sie auch nur kurze Zeit, in England wurden sie
letzten Endes
auch verenglischt. Welchen Einfluss könnten die normannische Minderheit auf
Meckl./Westphalen ausgeübt haben?
Meinung von Juan Carlos Garling bzgl. der Hugenotten - Einwanderung nach England:
Eine Eigenschaft der Normannen war ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit. Im 9. Jhd. führten sie
noch (als Wikinger) Raubzüge auf Paris, diejenigen allerdings, die sich etwa zur selben
Zeit in der Normandie festsetzten, waren innerhalb von 200 Jahren schon nach Sitte und
Sprache Franzosen.
So auch waren die Normannen in England nach Hastings 1066 innerhalb 200 Jahren auch
schon völlig verenglischt. Nachdem die Nachkommen von William der Eroberer nach und
nach ihre Besitze in Frankreich verloren, zuletzt auch noch die Normandie, fühlten sie sich
ganz und gar Engländer und handelten und sprachen als solche. Frankreich wurde selbst
zum Feind.
Ich behaupte daher, dass wann auch die Familiennamen in England entstehen, diese aus
dem Englischen, nicht aber aus dem Französischen kommen. Man bedenke, dass
Familiennamen als solche erst im 14. Jhd. in Norditalien in Gebrauch kommen und erst
später in anderen Ländern angenommen werden. Bis dahin war es, bei den Wikingern,
Leif Ericson, Sohn des Eric, dann Harald Leifson, Olaf Haraldson und so weiter. Sonst
Jochim der Schmied, sein Sohn aber Johann der Schuhmacher und dessen Sohn wiederum
Karl mit den kurzen Beinen (dann evt. Behnke, nach Hans Bahlow).
Man muss auch berücksichtigen, dass sich schon vor der Ankunft der Normannen ein
anderer Stamm von Skandinaviern in England angesetzt hatten, nämlich die Dänen auf
ein Gebiet welches 'Danelaw' genannt wurde. Dieses Gebiet schloss u.a. Lincoln, Suffolk,
Nottingham, Derby und teil- und zeitweise auch Essex ein. Anders als bei den Normannen,
haben diese Dänen mit den Angelsachsen und später auch mit den Normannen mitgelebt,
sich aber nicht weitgehend gemischt und / oder kulturell and anderweitig gegenseitig
Trotzdem könnte man spekulieren, dass auch diese Nordleute in bescheidener Weise zur
Namenbildung beigetragen haben. Einige Worte sind ins Englische übernommen worden,
die Städte Derby und Rugby (Endung -y) sind dänischer Herkunft.
Mein Eindruck ist, dass Familiennamen erst im 14. oder selbst 15. Jhd. in Gebrauch kommen,
öfters durch behördliche Bestimmung, und zwar zwecks besserer Steuerkontrolle. Napoleon
musste 1808 die Friesen zwingen, Familiennamen anzunehmen, die bis dahin nur Rufnamen
Juan Carlos Garling (acomed@entelchile.net) submitted LDS records for Garling (and similar) from United Kingdom:
Kent | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Kent | Gorlim | Susan | oo | Thomas West | 10.05.1590 | Canterbury | 184635 | ||
Kent | Garlenge | Joane | oo | Peter Freestone | 06.04.1600 | St. Paul | 16541 | ||
Kent | Garlin | John | oo | Lidia Reeve | 11.09.1679 | St. Mary Bredin | 36531 | ||
Kent | Garlon | Mary | oo | Robert Gibson | 19.09.1682 | St. George Martyr | 15161 | ||
Kent | Garleng | Margre | oo | Thomas Lampard | 16.04.1683 | St. Mary Magdalene | 8321 | ||
Kent | Garling | William | oo | Rebecah Smith | 15.11.1712 | St. Paul | 16541 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | Rebekkah | oo | Thomas Perry | 23.07.1721 | St. Alphege | 15201 | ||
Kent | Garling | Thomas | oo | Sarah Uden | 27.05.1732 | St. George Martyr | 15161 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | William | oo | Mary Johncock | 12.01.1733 | St. Mary Bredin | 36531 | ||
Kent | Garling | Nicholas | oo | Elisabeth Maxted | 26.02.1714 | Bishopbourne | 7708322 | ||
Greatgrandpa of Sir Frederick Garling | |||||||||
Kent | Garling | John | oo | Mary Sutton | 13.02.1741 | Bekesbourne | 8511 | ||
Kent | Garling | Ann | c. | (illegitimate?) | Mary | 01.06.1745 | Bekesbourne | 8511 | |
Kent | Garling | Mary | oo | Thomas Sutton | 05.07.1755 | Bekesbourne | 8511 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | John | oo | Mary Castle | 13.07.1729 | Margate, St. John | 8409531 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | Henry | c. | John | Mary Castle | 10.11.1730 | Margate, St. John | 8403332 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Mary | oo | John Cock | 03.07.1694 | Chrislet | 7521334 | ||
Kent | Garling | Thomas | c. | William | Elizabeth | 02.04.1780 | Womenswold | 8251 | |
Kent | Gorling | Francis | c. | 16.06.1793 | Mereworth | 135012 | |||
Kent | Garlinge | James | oo | Sarah Dixon | 13.05.1799 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Garling | Mary | c. | James | Sarah | 17.11.1799 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Elizabeth | oo | William Bredes | 19.04.1800 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Garling | Thomas | oo | Lydia Court | 18.10.1801 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | James | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 30.01.1802 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Sarah | c. | James | Sarah | 30.02.1802 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garlindge | James | c. | James | Sarah | 31.08,1806 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garlindge | Jene | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 10.05.1807 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garling | William | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 08.04.1810 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Thomas | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 18.03.1813 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Harriot Eliz. | c. | John | Sarah | 21.01.1816 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garling | John | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 14.04.1816 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Richard | Thomas | Lydia | 21.03.1819 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | Harriet | Thomas | Lydia | 09.09.1821 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | William | James | Sarah | 30.12.1821 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | Geotgr | Thomas | Lydia | 09.07.1826 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Garlenge | Harriet | oo | Tohmas Aeger | 26.06.1847 | Goodnestone by Sandwich | 12941 | ||
Kent | Gerling | Geo. | c. | Geo. Gerling | Ann | 17.11.1811 | Greenwich, St. Alphage | 6321 | |
Kent | Garling | Frances | oo | James Walker | 28.07.1822 | Lewisham, St. Mary | 6683 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | Mary | * | 07.02.1837 | Shepherd's Well | 6940413 | |||
Kent | Garling | James | c. | Joseph Benjamin | Sarah | 06.11.1824 | Milton by Gravesend | 135012 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Joseph Benjamin | c. | Joseph Benjamin | Sarah | 06.11.1824 | Milton by Gravesend | 135012 | |
Kent | Garling | Anne | oo | Stephen Marsh | o6.06.1798 | Dover, James the Apostle | 36551 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | Georg | c. | Henry Garlinge | Mary | 15.06.1738 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36561 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Thomas | oo | Sarah Fowlet | 12.07.1821 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36561 | ||
Kent | Garlinge | Henry George | c. | 06.10.1824 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36562 | |||
Kent | Garlinge | Sarah | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 21.03.1827 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Thomas | c. | 30.05.1828 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |||
Kent | Garlinge | Mary Ann | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 08.04.1831 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Kent | Garlinge | William John | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 21.08.1833 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Henry | c. | Henry Garlinge | Mary | 25.04.1835 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36551 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Emma | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 02.09.1836 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Kent | Garlinge | Emily | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 04.07.1838 | Dover, St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Garling | Maggie Jane | * | George | Ellen Willoughby | 28.06.1893 | Beckenham | 7900990 | ||
Garling | Georgine Ellen | * | George | Ellen Willoughby | 26.04.1895 | Beckenham | 7709704 | ||
Garling | George W. | * | George | Ellen Willoughby | 01.11.1896 | Penge | 7727116 | ||
Kent | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Beckenham | Garling | Maggie Jane | * | George | Ellen Willoughby | 28.06.1893 | 7900990 | ||
Beckenham | Garling | Georgine Ellen | * | George | Ellen Willoughby | 26.04.1895 | 7709704 | ||
Bekesbourne | Garling | John | oo | Mary Sutton | 13.02.1741 | 8511 | |||
Bekesbourne | Garling | Ann | c. | (illegitimate?) | Mary | 01.06.1745 | 8511 | ||
Bekesbourne | Garling | Mary | oo | Thomas Sutton | 05.07.1755 | 8511 | |||
Bishopsbourne | Garling | Nicholas | oo | Elisabeth Maxted | 26.02.1714 | 7708322 | |||
Greatgrandpa of Sir Frederick Garling | |||||||||
Canterbury | Garlinge | Rebekkah | oo | Thomas Perry | 23.07.1721 | St. Alphege | 15201 | ||
Canterbury | Garlon | Mary | oo | Robert Gibson | 19.09.1682 | St. George Martyr | 15161 | ||
Canterbury | Garling | Thomas | oo | Sarah Uden | 27.05.1732 | St. George Martyr | 15161 | ||
Canterbury | Garlin | John | oo | Lidia Reeve | 11.09.1679 | St. Mary Bredin | 36531 | ||
Canterbury | Garlinge | William | oo | Mary Johncock | 12.01.1733 | St. Mary Bredin | 36531 | ||
Canterbury | Garleng | Margre | oo | Thomas Lampard | 16.04.1683 | St. Mary Magdalene | 8321 | ||
Canterbury | Garlenge | Joane | oo | Peter Freestone | 06.04.1600 | St. Paul | 16541 | ||
Canterbury | Garling | William | oo | Rebecah Smith | 15.11.1712 | St. Paul | 16541 | ||
Canterbury | Gorlim | Susan | oo | Thomas West | 10.05.1590 | 184635 | |||
Chrislet | Garlinge | Mary | oo | John Cock | 03.07.1694 | 7521334 | |||
Dover | Garling | Anne | oo | Stephen Marsh | 06.06.1798 | James the Apostle | 36551 | ||
Dover | Garlinge | Georg | c. | Henry Garlinge | Mary | 15.06.1738 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36561 | |
Dover | Garlinge | Thomas | oo | Sarah Fowlet | 12.07.1821 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36561 | ||
Dover | Garlinge | Henry George | c. | 06.10.1824 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36562 | |||
Dover | Garlinge | Sarah | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 21.03.1827 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Dover | Garlinge | Thomas | c. | 30.05.1828 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |||
Dover | Garlinge | Mary Ann | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 08.04.1831 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Dover | Garlinge | William John | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 21.08.1833 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Dover | Garlinge | Henry | c. | Henry Garlinge | Mary | 25.04.1835 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36551 | |
Dover | Garlinge | Emma | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 02.09.1836 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Dover | Garlinge | Emily | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Sarah | 04.07.1838 | St.Mary the Virgin | 36563 | |
Gravesend | Garling | James | c. | Joseph Benjamin | Sarah | 06.11.1824 | Milton | 135012 | |
Gravesend | Garlinge | Joseph Benj. | c. | Joseph Benjamin | Sarah | 06.11.1824 | Milton | 135012 | |
Greenwich | Gerling | Geo. | c. | Geo. Gerling | Ann | 17.11.1811 | St. Alphage | 6321 | |
Kent | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Lewisham | Garling | Frances | oo | James Walker | 28.07.1822 | St. Mary | 6683 | ||
Margate | Garlinge | John | oo | Mary Castle | 13.07.1729 | St. John | 8409531 | ||
Margate | Garlinge | Henry | c. | John | Mary Castle | 10.11.1730 | St. John | 8403332 | |
Mereworth | Gorling | Francis | c. | 16.06.1793 | 135012 | ||||
Penge | Garling | George W. | * | George | Ellen Willoughby | 01.11.1896 | 7727116 | ||
Sandwich | Garlinge | James | oo | Sarah Dixon | 13.05.1799 | Goodnestone | 12941 | ||
Sandwich | Garling | Mary | c. | James | Sarah | 17.11.1799 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | Elizabeth | oo | William Bredes | 19.04.1800 | Goodnestone | 12941 | ||
Sandwich | Garling | Thomas | oo | Lydia Court | 18.10.1801 | Goodnestone | 12941 | ||
Sandwich | Garlinge | James | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 30.01.1802 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | Sarah | c. | James | Sarah | 30.02.1802 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlindge | James | c. | James | Sarah | 31.08,1806 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlindge | Jene | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 10.05.1807 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garling | William | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 08.04.1810 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | Thomas | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 18.03.1813 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | Harriot Eliz. | c. | John | Sarah | 21.01.1816 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garling | John | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 14.04.1816 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | Richard | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 21.03.1819 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | Harriet | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 09.09.1821 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | William | c. | James | Sarah | 30.12.1821 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlinge | Geotgr | c. | Thomas | Lydia | 09.07.1826 | Goodnestone | 12941 | |
Sandwich | Garlenge | Harriet | oo | Thomas Aeger | 26.06.1847 | Goodnestone | 12941 | ||
Shepherd's Well | Garlinge | Mary | * | 07.02.1837 | 6940413 | ||||
Womenswold | Garling | Thomas | c. | William | Elizabeth | 02.04.1780 | 8251 | ||
only one Gorlim, no further Garlings in XVI century | |||||||||
Garling with variants only at the end of the XVII century in Kent | |||||||||
Essex | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Essex | Gorlinge | Francis | c. | Thomas Gorlinge | 02.12.1554 | Fairstead | 20501 | ||
Essex | Garling | William | oo | Alice Whale | 18.10.1582 | Faulkbourne | 42031 | ||
Essex | Jarling | Westan | c. | Westan Jarling | Ursula | 08.11.1636 | Aythorpe Roding | 43431 | |
Essex | Garling | Sarah | oo | Thomas Phipp | 30.01.1764 | Manuden | 42391 | ||
Essex | Garlin | John | oo | 23.11.1768 | Tolleshunt Knights | 15041 | |||
Essex | Garlin | W.M. | oo | Mary Thorp | 01.07.1773 | Tolleshunt Knights | 15041 | ||
Essex | Garling | Elizabeth | c. | John Garling | Elizabeth | 09.02.1772 | Great Wigborough | 15021 | |
Essex | Gariling | Sarah | oo | William Smith | 1772 | White Roding | 457508 | ||
Essex | Garling | Mary | c. | John Garling | Elizabeth | 29.03.1783 | Bradwell near the Sea | 43341 | |
Essex | Garlin | Charles Andrews | c. | John Garlin | Biniah (sic) | 14.08.1790 | Woodham Mortimer | 43421 | |
Essex | Garling | Elizabeth | oo | John Smith | 1797 | Burnham on Crouch | 457703 | ||
Essex | Gorlin | Sarah | oo | Mark Rayner | 09.12.1803 | o | 184635 | ||
Essex | Jarling | W.M. | c. | 15.03.1572 | Kelvedon, Colchester | 42281 | |||
Essex | Garling | Joane | c. | 14.10.1575 | Kelvedon, Colchester | 42281 | |||
Essex | Garling | Francis | c. | (illegitimate?) | Magareth Garling | 27.06.1580 | Kelvedon, Colchester | 42281 | |
Essex | Gwerling | Margareth | oo | W.M. Lukin | 28.05.1582 | Kelvedon, Colchester | 42281 | ||
Essex | Garling | Hannah | oo | William Hart | 11.11.1759 | Kelvedon, Colchester | 42281 | ||
Essex | Garlynge | Samuel | oo | Elizabeth Jinshbeck | 19.07.1607 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 8129532 | ||
Essex | Garlyng | Gorg | c. | Samuel Garlyng | 10-07.1607 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 8124032 | ||
Essex | Garlyng | Elizabeth | c. | Samuel Garlyng | 31.03.1611 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 145741 | ||
Essex | Garling | Sarah | c. | Henry | 15.01.1616 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 8124034 | ||
Essex | Garling | Nathaniel | c. | Thomas | 20.09.1617 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 8124034 | ||
Essex | Garling | Johis | c. | Samuel Garling | Elizabeth Jinshbeck | 13.02.1619 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 8124033 | |
Essex | Garlinge | Elizabeth | c. | Samuel Garlinge | Elizabeth Jinshbeck | 17.04.1622 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 145741 | |
Essex | Garlinge | Thomas | oo | Ales Oler | 14.05.1637 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 145741 | ||
Essex | Garlinge | Thomas | c. | Thomas Garlinge | Ales Oler | 11.03.1637 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 145741 | |
Essex | Girlinge | Lunell | oo | Mary Harp | 28.08.1622 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 8133637 | ||
Essex | Gyrling | William | c. | Richard Gyrling | Maries | Nov. 1658 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 8232330 | |
Essex | Garlyng | John | c. | 28.07.1613 | Colchester, St. Botolph | 145741 | |||
Suffolk | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Bungay | Garling | Frances | oo | John Smith | 01.10.1667 | Holy Trinity | 7535829 | ||
Bury St. Edmunds | Garling | Lucy | c. | Robert | Susan | 13.09.1759 | 12191 | ||
Cratfield | Garling | Mariah | c. | Robert | Mary | 10.10.1821 | Independent | 78311 | |
Creeting | Gorling | Kate | c. | James Gorling | Eliza | 01.05.1870 | St. Mary | 13241 | |
Elmswell | Garling | Emma | oo | Alfred Laughlin | 24.09.1849 | 7624604 | |||
Fressingsfield | Garling | Thomas | oo | Mary King | 23.09.1713 | 7534649 | |||
Freston | Garling | Sarah | oo | William Whyatt | 13.12.1837 | 63091 | |||
Frostenden | Gyrling | Alice | oo | Thomas Whyte | 01.04.1553 | 12511 | |||
Frostenden | Girelinge | Elizabethe | oo | Wyllm Sallowes | 23.10.1576 | 12511 | |||
Frostenden | Girling | Eleanor | oo | William Girling | 03.06.1811 | 12511 | |||
Levenham | Gurlan | Abram | c. | Ambram Gurlan | 11.12.1632 | 15801 | |||
Levenham | Girlin | Abram | c. | John Girlin | 28.08.1666 | 15801 | |||
belong to the Hugenottes! | |||||||||
Abram (now Gurlon) may be moved between 1625 and 1632 with family to Levenham | |||||||||
John Girlin (father of Abram b. 1666) may be the Jean Guerlin b. 1618 | |||||||||
Little Bealings | Garling | James Alfred | c. | James | Emma | 06.08.1871 | 13061 | ||
Monks Eleigh | Garling | Sarah | c. | John | Susan | 19.05.1844 | 62571 | ||
Redham | Garling | Ralph | oo | Anna Harvey | 25.01.1743 | 7119723 | |||
Shelland | Garling | Robert | oo | Eliza Buckle | 06.10.1826 | 63121 | |||
Stradbroke | Garling | Lydia | c. | Thomas | Mary | 16.04.1717 | 7408734 | ||
Stradbroke | Garling | John | c. | Thomas | Mary | 14.06.1719 | 7408734 | ||
Stradbroke | Garling | Robert | c. | Thomas | Mary | 30.10.1730 | 7408734 | ||
Stradbroke | Garling | Elizabeth | c. | Thomas | Mary | 19.10.1722 | 7408734 | ||
Stradbroke | Garling | Elizabeth | c. | Thomas | Mary | 15.06.1726 | 7408734 | ||
Stradbroke | Garling | James | oo | Keziah Bishop | 01.10.1741 | 7408734 | |||
Suffolk Co. | Garling | Louise | c. | George | Charlotte | 14.01.1816 | BTS | 132341 | |
Suffolk Co. | Garling | Harriet | c. | Samuel | Ann | 28.04.1833 | BTS | 132531 | |
Suffolk Co. | Garling | Harriet | oo | James Thompson | 16.12.1834 | BTS | 132531 | ||
Suffolk Co. | Garling | George | oo | Hannah Pole | 17.04.1834 | BTS | 132531 | ||
Tattingstone | Garling | James | c. | Ebenezer | Mary Flory | 13.07.1817 | 7625839 | ||
Woodbridge | Garling | Thomas | oo | Ann Garrod | 10.10.1695 | 455288 | |||
Suffolk | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Sudbury | Garling | James | oo | Hannah King | 08.06.1749 | St. Gregory | 62731 | ||
Sudbury | Garling | Thomas | oo | Sarah Wells | 28.08.1750 | St. Gregory | 62731 | ||
Sudbury | Garling | Sarah | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 05.05.1751 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Catharine | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 20.05.1753 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Elizabeth | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 06.04.1755 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Thomas | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 21.09.1757 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Mary | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 21.01.1760 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | James | oo | Elizabeth Golding | 13.12.1760 | St. Gregory | 62731 | ||
Sudbury | Garling | James | c. | James | Elizabeth | 04.11.1761 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | James | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 26.12.1762 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Elizabeth | c. | James | Elizabeth | 23.12.1764 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | John | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 17.11.1765 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Elizabeth | c. | James | Elizabeth | 23.04.1766 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Martha | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 17.02.1768 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | William | c. | Thomas | Sarah | 17.02.1768 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Katharine | c. | James | Elizabeth | 21.05.1769 | St. Gregory | 62731 | |
Sudbury | Garling | Catharine | oo | James Clary | 22.10.1775 | St. Gregory | 62731 | ||
Sudbury | Garling | Sarah | oo | James Frankling | 19.12.1779 | St. Gregory | 62731 | ||
Sudbury | Garling | Emma | oo | Alfred Laughlin | 24.09.1849 | St. Gregory | 62731 | ||
Sudbury | Garling | William | oo | Jemina Moulton | 06.05.1830 | All Saints | 62241 | ||
London | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Bassishaw | Gurling | Jhon | oo | Dorrytye Rutland | 29.04.1625 | St. Michel | 1471 | ||
Bassishaw | Gurling | Elizabeth | c. | John Gurling | Dorrytye | 17.06.1627 | St. Michel | 1471 | |
Bassishaw | Gurling | Thomas | c. | John Gurling | Dorrytye | 27.09.1629 | St. Michel | 1471 | |
Bassishaw | Girlin | John | c. | John Girlin | Dorothy | 27.11.1631 | St. Michel | 1471 | |
Bassishaw | Girlin | Doratie | c. | John Girlin | Doratie | 19.11.1633 | St. Michel | 1471 | |
Bassishaw | Girling | Elizabeth | c. | John Girling | Dorothy | 04.03.1638 | St. Michel | 1471 | |
Bassishaw | Girling | Sarah | c. | John Girling | Dorothy | 04.09.1640 | St. Michel | 1471 | |
Bassishaw | Girling | Hesther | c. | John Girling | Dorothy | 08.07.1644 | St. Michel | 1471 | |
Bassishaw | Girling | Elizabeth | c. | Edward Poole | 27.12.1659 | St. Michel | 1471 | ||
are these Hugenottes? (same time as Abram) | |||||||||
name varies from Gurling, Girlin to Girling | |||||||||
Westminster | Gurlynge | Catheren | c. | Thomas Gurlynge | 05.03.1589 | St. Margaret | 1601 | ||
Westminster | Gerlin | Elizabeth | c. | Thomas Gerlin | 16.01.1592 | St. Margaret | 1601 | ||
evidently the writer simplifies from Gurlynge to Gerlin (sounds similar) | |||||||||
will be the same person (Thomas) | |||||||||
Clerkenwell | Girlinge | Margaret | c. | 27.07.1586 | St. James | 1411 | |||
Clerkenwell | Girlon | Mary | c. | John Girlon | Charity | 08.12.1721 | St. James | 1411 | |
Cornhill | Gerlynge | John | oo | Jone Roffe | 29.05.1570 | St. Michel | 1541 | ||
London | Gurlyng | Ann | c. | 06.01.1612 | St. Bride, Fleet St. | 22422 | |||
Somerset | Gurling | Grace | oo | Nathaniell Taylor | 29.05.1615 | St, Mary | 1491 | ||
Cole Abbey | Gurling | Frannces | oo | Robert Dey | 26.06.1640 | St. Nicholas | 22632 | ||
Foster Lane | Garlin | Elizabeth | oo | Edward Poole | 27.12.1659 | St. Vedest | 1551 | ||
London | Gurlin | George | c. | George Gurlin | Elizabeth | 24.09.1752 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1458 | |
London | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Stepney | Garlin | Elizabeth | oo | John Benoist | 14.05.1695 | St. Dunstan | 55762 | ||
Stepney | Garling | Caroline | c. | John | Susan | 04.01.1818 | St. Dunstan | 55762 | |
Stepney | Gorling | George | oo | Eleonor Burr | 15.09.1818 | St. Dunstan | 55765 | ||
Stepney | Girling | Hannah | oo | Robert Spratt | 02.06.1845 | St. Dunstan | 55766 | ||
Stepney | Gerling | James | oo | Emily Whright | 20.10.1850 | St. Dunstan | 55766 | ||
Holborn | Gorlinge | Edward | c. | Thomis Gorlinge | 30.08.1592 | St. Andrews | 10511 | ||
Holborn | Garling | Thomas | c. | Thomas | Ann | 20.03.1831 | St. Andrews | 10518 | |
Holborn | Garling | Ann Elizabeth | c. | Thomas | Ann | 20.03.1831 | St. Andrews | 10518 | |
Cripplegate | Garling | Thomas | c. | George | o | 21.09.1644 | St. Giles | 22435 | |
Cripplegate | Garlings | Hannah | oo | Johot Caphat Aspin | 02.08.1747 | St. Giles | 25771 | ||
Cripplegate | Garling | Thomas | c. | Thos. | Elizth. | 31.01.1792 | St. Giles | 25778 | |
Cripplegate | Garling | Mary | c. | Thomas | Elizabeth | 02.01.1791 | St. Stephan, Coleman St. | 19661 | |
Bishopsgate | Gurlin | Timothy | c. | Robert Gurlin | Jane | 20.01.1705 | St. Botolph | 1613 | |
Bishopsgate | Garlings | John | oo | Ann Luffingham | 04.10.1713 | St. Botolph | 1611 | ||
Bishopsgate | Garling | John | c. | John Garling | Ann | 25.12.1720 | St. Botolph | 1614 | |
Bishopsgate | Garling | Walter | c. | John Garling | Ann | 17.04.1727 | St. Botolph | 1614 | |
Bishopsgate | Garling | William | oo | Lydia Johnson | 30.10.1788 | St. Botolph | 1611 | ||
Lambeth | Garling | Joseph | c. | William | Lydia Johnson | 04.03.1801 | St. Mary | 6281 | |
Southwark | Garling | Mary Ann | c. | William | Lydia Johnson | 21.06.1820 | Christ Church | 20701 | |
Lambeth | Garling | Lydia | c. | Edward | Catherina | 24.06.1819 | St. Mary | 6281 | |
Lambeth | Garling | Elizabeth | c. | Edward | Catherina | 14.01.1821 | St. Mary | 6281 | |
Lambeth | Garling | Ann | c. | Joseph | Ann | 14.06.1824 | St. Mary | 6282 | |
Lambeth | Garling | Mary Ann | c. | Edward | Catherina | 28.05.1828 | At. John Evangelist | 42322 | |
Kensington | Garling | Sussanah | c. | Edward | Catherina Ann | 22.09.1841 | St. Mark | 15571 | |
Kensington | Garling | Edward William | c. | Robert | Susannah | 14.07.1850 | St. Mark | 15571 | |
London | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Newgate | Garling | George Henry | oo | Harriet Duggin | 23.12.1827 | Gregfriars Christ Church | 1341 | ||
Shoreditch | Garling | Harriet | c. | George Henry | Harriet Duggin | 31.07.1833 | St. Leonards | 40806 | |
Shoreditch | Garling | George | c. | George Henry | Harriet Duggin | 25.11.1835 | St. Leonards | 40806 | |
Shoreditch | Garling | Mary Ann | c. | Henry | Mary | 26.01.1803 | St. Leonards | 30802 | |
Shoreditch | Garling | Ann Mary | oo | John Perry | 06.11.1837 | St. Leonards | 40806 | ||
Aldgate | Garling | Sarah Hesther | c. | James | Rebecca | Nov. 1788 | St. Botolph | 6338 | |
Aldgate | Garling | Alfred Lionel | c. | Lionel | Sarah | 16.08.1835 | St. Botolph | 6338 | |
Finsbury | Garling | Henry | oo | Mary White | 13.01.1802 | St. Lukas, Old Street | 29691 | ||
Stapney | Garling | Line | oo | Ann Woddroff | 13.01.1828 | Spitalfields Christ Church | 69691 | ||
London | Garling | Eliza | c. | (illegitimate)? | Mary | 02.03.1865 | St. Pancras, Old Church | 47937 | |
Paddington | Garling | Arthur | c. | Henry | Sarah | 03.07.1870 | Holy Trinity | 42471 | |
London | Garling | James | c. | James | Sarah | 14.10.1792 | St. Mary at Hill | 32101 | |
London | Garling | Thomas White | c. | James | Sarah | 12.08.1798 | St. Mary at Hill | 32101 | |
London | Garling | Mary Ann | c. | James | Sarah | 28.12.1800 | St. Mary at Hill | 32101 | |
London | Garling | Thomas White | c. | Thomas White | Sophia | 19.09.1830 | St. Mary le Strand | 42891 | |
London | Garling | Sophia Jane | c. | Thomas White | Sophia | 23.02.1834 | St. Mary le Strand | 42891 | |
Pentonville | Garling | James George | c. | Thomas White | Maria | 31.07.1860 | o | 40941 | |
Pentonville | Garling | Janette Sophia | c. | Thomas White | Maria | 05.02.1864 | o | 40941 | |
Pentonville | Garling | Thomas White | c. | Thomas White | Maria | 05.02.1864 | o | 40941 | |
Pentonville | Garling | Walter | c. | Thomas White | Maria | 08.02.1864 | o | 40941 | |
Dukes Place | Garling | John | oo | Anne Butler | 12.01.1683 | St. James | 22483 | ||
Dukes Place | Gorling | Grace | oo | William Ball | 25.05.1684 | St. James | 22483 | ||
London | Garling | Nicholas | oo | Susan Ewen | 27.09.1735 | St. Dionis Backchurch | 1401 | ||
London | Garling | Mary | c. | Nicholas | Susanna | 31.12.1738 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1457 | |
London | Garling | Nicholas | c. | Nicholas | Susanna | 09.09.1741 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1457 | |
London | Garling | Susanna | c. | Nicholas | Susanna | 17.10.1742 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1457 | |
London | Garling | John Henry | c. | Nicholas | Susanna | 27.10.1745 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1457 | |
London | Garling | George | c. | Nicholas | Susanna | 18.10.1747 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1457 | |
London | Garling | Francis | c. | Nicholas | Susanna | 18.09.1749 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1457 | |
London | Garling | John Frederick | c. | Nicholas | Susanna | 20.03.1750 | St. Martin in the Fields | 1457 | |
London | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Westminster | Garling | John Charles | c. | Nicholas | Anne | 09.07.1733 | St. Paul Covent Garden | 1571 | |
Westminster | Garling | Christian | oo | Catherine Wedemayer | 08.12.1754 | St. Paul Covent Garden | 1571 | ||
Westminster | Garling | Christian | oo | Elizabeth Tucker | 14.02.1774 | St. Paul Covent Garden | 1452 | ||
Westminster | Garling | Christopher Nicholas | c. | Christopher Henry | Elizabeth | 20.10.1776 | St. Paul Covent Garden | 1571 | |
Westminster | Garling | Charlotte | c. | Henry | Elizabeth | 30.11.1777 | St. Paul Covent Garden | 1571 | |
Westminster | Garling | Mary Ann | c. | Henry | Elizabeth | 06.04.1780 | St. Paul Covent Garden | 1571 | |
Westminster | Garling | Caroline | Henry | Elizabeth | 08.09.1783 | St. Paul Covent Garden | 1571 | ||
London | Garling | John Frederick | oo | Caroline Burr | 14.04.1778 | St. Marylebon | 35243 | ||
London | Garling | Frederick | c. | John Frederick | Caroline | 14.05.1779 | St. Mary Colechurch | 21071 | |
London | Garling | John Devall | c. | John Frederick | Caroline | 18.12.1780 | St. Mary Colechurch | 21071 | |
London | Garling | Caroline Ann | c. | John Frederick | Caroline | 17.04.1782 | St. Mary Colechurch | 21071 | |
London | Garling | James | c. | John Frederick | Caroline | 11.06.1784 | St. Mary Colechurch | 21071 | |
Holborn | Garling | Daniel Burr | c. | John Frederick | Caroline | 15.09.1785 | St. Andrews | 47931 | |
Holborn | Garling | Elizabeth Sophia | c. | John Frederick | Caroline | 19.04.1787 | St. Andrews | 10516 | |
Holborn | Garling | Henry | c. | John Frederick | Caroline | 08.02.1789 | St. Andrews | 10516 | |
Holborn | Garling | Henry Bayly | c. | Henry | Isabella Bayly | 31.01.1822 | St. Andrews | 20831 | |
London | Garling | Daniel Burr | oo | Sarah Fickus | 13.05.1830 | St.Pancras Old Church | 47931 | ||
London | Garling | John | c. | John | Bridget | 26.05.1790 | St. Sepulchre Church | 23239 | |
London | Garling | Thomas | c. | John | Bridget | 01.04.1792 | St. Sepulchre Church | 23239 | |
London | Garling | John | c. | John | Bridget | 07.06.1793 | St. Sepulchre Church | 23239 | |
London | Garling | James | c. | John | Bridget | 09.08.1795 | St. Sepulchre Church | 23239 | |
London | Garling | Nathaniel | c. | John | Bridget | 12.04.1797 | St. Sepulchre Church | 23239 | |
Huntingdons | Garling | Susannah | c. | Thomas | Martha | 10.04.1803 | Spa Fields Lady | 97851 | |
London | Garlin | Mary Ann | oo | Abraham Brown | 08.02.1836 | St. Pancras, Old Church | 25554 | ||
Westminster | Garlin | Hannah Esther | oo | Stephen Freemann | 14.08.1849 | St. Clemens Danes | 41601 | ||
Ishington | Garlin | Eliza | c. | John Garlin(g) | Ann Ceckerton | 31.05.1860 | Upper Street | 97231 | |
Limehouse | Gorling | Caroline Mary Ann | c. | 08.04.1855 | St. John | 53791 | |||
Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | |||||
Berkshire | |||||||||
Uffington | Garling | Anne | oo | Charles Wheeler | 14.10.1790 | 6771 (6731?) | |||
Derby | |||||||||
Derby | Garling | George | oo | Elisabeth Roe | 31.03.1811 | St. Werburgh | 7600744 | ||
Derby | Garling | Jane Eliza | c. | Henry | Maria | 27.08.1820 | All Saints | 38571 | |
Derby | Garling | Anna Maria | c. | Robert | Maria | 18.11.1822 | St. Alkmund | 55371 | |
Durham | |||||||||
Tanfield | Garling | John | c. | Simon | Mary Mitchinson | 14.10.1798 | 821 | ||
Tanfield | Garling | Thomas | c. | Simon | Mary Mitchinson | 05.10.1800 | 821 | ||
Glouchester | |||||||||
Charlton Kings | Gorlinge | Edmund | c. | 27.08.1551 | 20661 | ||||
Bishops Cleve | Garling | Mary | c. | Jonathan | Jane | 23.07.1749 | 20661 | ||
Berkeley | Gorlin | Elisabeth | oo | Anthony Stonnard | 05.06.1820 | 16481 | |||
Hampshire | |||||||||
Portsea | Garlyn | John | c. | John | Eliz. | 26.08.1759 | St. Thomas | 62512 | |
Portsea | Garling | Anne | oo | Charles Jackson | 21.01.1817 | St. Marys | 62613 | ||
Hampshire | Gorling | Elisabeth | oo | William Bowles | 15.02.1841 | St. Marys | 62613 | ||
Hertford | |||||||||
Redbourn | Garling | Henry | oo | Isabella Bayly | 15.02.1821 | 72771 | |||
Lincoln | |||||||||
Long Sutton | Garlin | Jarns | oo | Mary Skelton | 01.06.1680 | 30862 | |||
Boston | Gorlin | John | oo | Anne Thompson | 20.04.1707 | 11332 | |||
Swaton | Gorlin | Mary | c. | Thomas Gorlin | Sarah | 27.03.1720 | 32272 | ||
Swaton | Gorlin | John | c. | Thomas Garling | Sarah | 07.11.1721 | 32272 | ||
Swaton | Gorling | Ralph | c. | o | Sarah Gorling | 07.06.1723 | 32272 | ||
New Sleaford | Garling | Ann | * | John | Bridget | 25.11.1799 | 30432 | ||
Gainsborough | Garling | Adam | c. | Adam | Elisabeth | 12.03.1835 | 11063 | ||
Northumberland | |||||||||
Newcastle upon Tyne | Gorling | Mary | c. | William Gorling | 11.07.1669 | All Saints | 4291 | ||
Newcastle upon Tyne | Garling | David | c. | Jenkin | All Saints | 4291 | |||
Newcastle upon Tyne | Garling | Elisabeth | c. | Robert | Isabel | 06.03.1732 | All Saints | 4351 | |
Eglinham | Garling | John | c. | John | 27.12.1684 | 1211 | |||
Rothbury | Garling | John | c. | Robert | 25.02.1688 | 15241 | |||
Kirkharle | Garling | John | c. | Thomas | 30.10.1698 | 2571 | |||
Alnwick | Garling | Henry | oo | Mary Peacock | 20.02.1735 | 71 | |||
Corbridge | Garling | Mary | oo | Anthony Rochester | 11.05.1760 | 1311 | |||
Nottingham | |||||||||
Mansfield | Garling | Valentine | oo | Ellen Coults | 08.07.1821 | 44861 | |||
Mansfield | Gorling | Elizh. | c. | Velentine Gorling | Ellen | 17.10.1821 | 44861 | ||
Beston & Bramcote | Garling | Charlotte | c. | William | Mary Lacey | 08.01.1837 | Wesleyan | 667771 | |
Stafford | |||||||||
West Bromwich | Gorling | Martha | c. | Thomas Gorling | Eliz. | 09.09.1764 | All Saints | 10242 | |
Surrey | |||||||||
Southwark | Garling | Catherine Ann | oo | Abraham Monk | 11.07.1835 | St. Saviour | 5518 | ||
Warwick | |||||||||
Stratford on Avon | Jarling | Emma Louise | c. | Fred.William | Dinah | 31.10.1860 | St.James | 42741 | |
York | |||||||||
Bowes | Garling | Dorothy | oo | William Dobson | 24.06.1735 | 22111 | |||
Dent | Garling | Elizabeth | oo | (illegitimate?) | Agnes Garling | 15.07.1773 | 10451 | ||
a brother of Sir Frederick Garling | |||||||||
his wife Isabella Bayly comes from a Hugenottes family | |||||||||
Hugenottes | Spouse | Father | Mother | Parish | Ref. | ||||
Kent, Canterbury | Guerlin | Magdalaine | c. | David Guerlain | 01.05.1608 | Walloon or Strangers Church | 49031 | ||
Kent, Canterbury | Guerlon | Abraham | c. | Abraham Guerlon | 26.06.1608 | Walloon or Strangers Church | 49031 | ||
Kent, Canterbury | Guerlin | David | c. | Abraham Guerlin | 14.04.1611 | Walloon or Strangers Church | 49031 | ||
London | Gerlin | Anne | c. | Abraham Gerlin | 06.03.1614 | French Hugenotte Church | 49031 | ||
London | Gerlin | Anne | c. | Abraham Gerlin | 19.03.1615 | French Hugenotte Church | 49031 | ||
London | Guirlin | Marie | c. | Abraham Guirlin | Anne Trupin | 13.07.1617 | French Hugenotte Church | 49031 | |
London | Guerlin | Jean | c. | Abraham Guerlin | Anne Trupin | 04.12.1618? | French Hugenotte Church | 49031 | |
London | Guerlein | Marye | c. | Abraham Guerlein | Anne Trupin | 16.07.1620 | French Hugenotte Church | 49031 | |
London | Guerlin | Abraham | c. | Abraham Guerlin | Anne Trupin | 29.11.1625 | French Hugenotte Church | 49031 | |