Die Website www.garling.worldwide |
The Website www.garling.worldwide | |||||||||||||||
Diese Website ist der Treffpunkt aller Garling Stämme. Jeder kann nach seinen
Vorfahren suchen und sich über verschiedene Garling Zweige in der Geschichte und
in der Welt informieren. Wir werden versuchen, mögliche Verbindungen zwischen
den verschiedenen Garling Zweigen zu finden, Wir werden unsere Aufmerksamkeit
auf heutige und älteste Garlings richten.
This website is the meeting point of all Garling tribes. Everybody can look for
his roots, can inform about different Garling branches in history and in the world.
We will try to find possible connections between different branches. We will pay
attention for nowadays and oldest Garlings. Send your special genealogy to be published here. | |||||||||||||||
Bitte mailen Sie uns Informationen, die dieses Ziel erreichen helfen. Helfen
Sie uns die GARLING Familie zu erforschen. Senden Sie Ihre Mail an
Dieter.Garling@gmx.de |
Please submit any info which is related to the aim of this website. Help us to
research the GARLING family. Send your email to
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Special: Gerlin in Italy | ||||||||||||||||
Thomas Gerlin (tgerlin@email.it) from Italy submitted the following interesting information: Previously I thought that GERLIN descend from other surnames, because someones told me that during the domination of Republic of Venice (about 1830 and later) all surnames was trunked from the Republic to the last consonant, no more vocals was admitted at the end of surname. This was ordered to the population throug a law. Actually many surname in North east of Italy are trunked like Gerlin (...Visentin, Parolin, Pincin, Gardel, Trentin, De Martin are other examples). | ||||||||||||||||
Special: Garling in Mecklenburg | ||||||||||||||||
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Gesucht - wer hat Informationen? |
Wanted - who has information? | |||||||||||||||
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Websites für Garling Genealogie |
Websites for Garling Genealogy | |||||||||||||||
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Danke für Beiträge zur Garling-Forschung |
Thank you for Garling research contributions | |||||||||||||||
© Design & Production: Dieter.Garling@gmx.de |